“What our Customers Say About Our Essences”
The Living Light Essences
“If you are ready to change your life and accept yourself as the Divine Being that you are
and accept the goodness that can come into your life, then you are ready for these essences.
I feel they are a catalyst for change and help to unblock limiting thoughts and
patterns that hold us back from the peace and happiness we deserve.”
~ Diane Yeo -- London, ON, Canada
"The Living Light Essences have added another dimension of energetic treatment to my practice.
They work incredibly quickly to help re-establish balance on the mental-emotional plane.
Patients find them highly effective and come back asking for more."
~ P.R., ND -- ON, Canada
The Living Light Rainbow Essences
Your essences are REALLY powerful!
‘Grounding to the Self’ is magnificent! The inner landscape changed.
Changes were speedy, whirling like a tornado!
I felt my nervous system going through major shifts.
I was always attracted to it.
~ Annick Hollender, DC -- Quebec, Canada
The Bloesem Flower Essences

As a therapist, herbalist, and flower essence practitioner,
I rely heavily on flower essences to address the psycho-spiritual concerns of my clients.
I work with a variety of flower essence producers and feel
the Bloesem Essences hold a very high resonance with most clients.
I trust in their potency and have had great results with them in my practice.
~ Heidi J. Smith, MA, RH --- Brooklyn, NY, USA