How are flower essences made?
Flower Essences are made by placing flowers in a bowl of spring or distilled water and then set out in the sun for several hours, where the vibrational pattern of the flowers is transferred to the water. Then the flowers are completely removed from the water, leaving the vibrational frequency of the flowers in the water.
Bach originally had another way of making essences called the boiling method. This method is used infrequently today.
A newer way of making flower essences is to place live plants or flowers into a bowl of water without picking them. Making essences with live flowers tends to give them a more ‘streaming’ quality.
The flowers are then all removed from the water, leaving only the vibrational pattern of the flowers in the water.
Alcohol, usually brandy, is added to preserve the memory of the vibrational frequency of the flowers. Usually the ratio of alcohol to water at this stage is 50/50. This creates the mother tincture. Mother tinctures are generally not sold to the public, but used to make up stock and dosage essences.
The essence is then diluted to create a stock essence, according to specific formulas. Most flower essences are sold as stock essences and should be diluted before use. They are usually 40% alcohol per volume.
How are gem essences made?
Gem essences are made in a similar manner to flower essences. A gem is placed in a bowl of water and then in set out in the sun for several hours, where the vibrational pattern of the gem is transferred to the water. When the water is potentised, the gem is taken out of the water, leaving the vibrational frequency of the gem in the water.
If a gem falls into the category of being a toxic mineral, then the indirect method is used to make the gem essence.
This involves placing the gemstone inside a glass beaker, which in turn is then placed into the water and left in the sun to potentise. This method keeps the toxins in the mineral from leaching out into the water, but somehow still manages to capture the vibrational properties of the gemstone being used.
The gem is then completely removed from the water and alcohol, usually brandy, is added to preserve the memory of the vibrational frequency of the gem. Usually the ratio of alcohol to water at this stage is 50/50. This creates the mother tincture. Mother tinctures are generally not sold to the public, but used to make up stock and dosage essences.
The essence is then diluted using a specific formula to create a stock essence. A further dilution takes place using a specific formula to create a dosage essence. Many flower essences are stock essences and need to be diluted before taken. All of the Living Light and Living Light Rainbow essences are dosage essences that may be taken straight from the bottle. They do not need to be diluted like stock essences. The Living Light Essences are 7% alcohol per volume.