$13.97 CAD

Ground Elder Flower Essence  (Aegopodium podagraria)

Spirituality is connected to growth. 

When you seem unable to develop further, Ground Elder helps by manifesting your growth. To make a better connection with the higher qualities of your being.

10 ml stock essence 

When you seem unable to develop further, Ground Elder essence helps by manifesting your growth. This is because you are able to make a better connection with your true self. Or, when you are over-occupied with self-development, Ground Elder helps you to let go and opens you to the higher qualities of your being. You no longer need to fight all the time with your environment.

Ground Elder is helpful when you have difficulty in assimilating everything that you meet, especially old restrictions and old emotions, which keep you stuck in certain patterns.  Working on earth for higher goals and integrating what is important for the higher development of the earth: the expression of your heart.  Ground Elder gives integration and co-operation with the environment through the expression of the heart, along with purity of choice coming from the higher self. 


Abundance: through expansion and growth.
Activity: expansion and growth.
Anger: the feeling that you don't have enough space.
Cleansing: of old limitations.
Communication: when you struggle too much with your environment.
Development: through the transformation of the old.
Doing: for manifestation and growth, when limited through your environment.
Earth / Grounding: through growth and expansion.
Environment: when you struggle too much with your environment.
Expansion: with old limitations and patterns.
Fear: fear for expansion.
Heart: integration and cooperation from out of the heart.
Higher Self: transformation to a higher consciousness.
Irritation: because you cannot expand.
Letting go: too many material activities.
Limitations: release of old limitations in your growth.
Love: work for the higher from out of love.
Matter: let go the material and transform to work for the higher.
Opposition: from old limiting patterns.
Power: expansion, and stand up for yourself.
Restore: grow in your own rhythm.
Space: stand up for yourself and make space.
Spirituality: transform material expansion into spiritual development.
Structures: when you maintain old structures of too much expansion.
Struggle: struggle with your environment to be able to grow and / or when you grow too much.
Stuck: not be able to grow and expand.
Courage: to create space for yourself.
Growth: when you cannot grow or grow too much.


The Ground Elder essence is made from the vibrational frequencies of the Ground Elder (Aegopodium podagraria) flower, organic brandy and spring water.


Please refer to our How to Use Essences Page…

  • for directions on how to use essences.
  • how to prepare your dosage essences from stock before using.
Qty available: 4 SKU: BGE