Red Poppy - Corn Poppy Flower Essence (Papaver rhoeas)
Female strength. Mother connection.
Strengthens the inner woman. A warming and empowering essence when you feel vulnerable in your female qualities. Increases warmth and love. Good after problems with the mother and disturbances like moving, abuse and other calamities. Balance in sexuality (also men). For all female problems (from menarche until menopause) and sleeping problems.
10 ml stock essence
Red Poppy essence strengthens the inner woman, a warming and empowering essence for those who feel vulnerable without having the power to transform their vulnerabilities. Gives the power to work with your vulnerabilities. Strengthens the link with the feminine force and the earth. Increases the inner quality of love. Balance sexuality in men and women; helpful also for men and children, especially when they cannot sleep after a busy day.
Abuse: for all kinds of abuse, together with evening primrose
Acceptance: of female power
Activity: in female power
Certainty: of your (inner) woman
Closed: when you cannot open yourself for your female power
Courage: to show your female strength
Deal with: all changes and disturbances
Development: in feminine power
Dreaming / Sleeping: when you cannot sleep after busyness.
Earth/Grounding: the connection with mother earth and the female power
Emergency: when you cannot sleep because of restlessness or busyness
Energy: female energy
Expression: of your female power
Feelings: strength in your emotions
Female Strength: strengthening the inner woman, in women as well as in men
Heart: strengthens the female qualities of the heart
Help: from your inner woman
Listen: to the female
Love: for your inner female power
Menopause: in all situations, both internally and externally (with Evening Primrose)’
Menstruation: by all disturbances and changes also good during menopause (together with Evening Primrose)
Oversensitive: in the feminine
Power: in the female
Protection: emotionally vulnerable
Rest: rest during the night, after busyness of busy activities
Sexuality: too excessive sexual behaviour
Shyness: in your female power, your inner woman
Support: from your inner woman
Trauma: related to sexuality, incest
Trust: in the (inner) feminine strength
Worries: restlessness, eventually from being busy
Vulnerability: deep inner feelings, see the female as a power
The Red Corn Poppy essence is made from the vibrational frequencies of the Red Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) flower, organic brandy and spring water.
Please refer to our How to Use Essences Page…
- for directions on how to use essences.
- how to prepare your dosage essences from stock before using.