$17.97 CAD

Divine Heart New Times Essence

Creating love. Self-Love.

To learn that the original creation consists of love. To trust the deepest parts of your soul. Being able to feel that your heart is the center of the universe. For the integration with others and all other dimensions of consciousness. Go beyond your struggle in life through the awakening of the deepest love of yourself.

10 ml stock essence

Divine Heart Essence helps you feel connected with everything, support from the Universal, no obligations. Be because you feel that you are a part of the whole. Faith at the depth of your soul.

The mutual galactic communication, cooperation and integration of different systems. Connection with planets, connection with the core of your existence, connected with the universe. Live your life from the deepest fulfilllment. A new code to upgrade the original stardust, of which we exist, to integrate the relations between all systems and to integrate your heart as the center of the universe with all other forms of consciousness. Beyond the struggle in a harmonic cooperation through the integration of all loose, stuck and blocking structures. Unity of your soul with the universe as the most important task for the soul.

Connect yourself with the old original structures. In these old times there was still listened to the higher hierarchies and the directives could be received. Shape your life according to the original directive, listen to the higher wisdom and manifest this wisdom here. Accept your life as creator of this universe and integrate this in the heart.

At first there was uncontrolled energy in the vortex, that still had to be formed and that turned like a whirling ball of fire. You can compare this with a body, in which old deep formative forces, that could not yet manifest, look for a way out. A body could get illnesses by this that would relate to explosions, whereas the explosions not could be kept in form anymore, because the body missed the consciousness that could integrate this primal power. To make this integration and to balance this primal power, a balancing consciousness is necessary. The Divine Heart has the power to tame this uncontrolled energy and exists of an unconditional unity of the female and the male, coming from the higher hierarchic realms. These are different kinds of consciousness that stood at the base of the formation of the earth. This consciousness was pure creation force from a unity of love.

This primal love is the healing power of the earth and has to do with the re-creation of the earth, when the still chaotic, whirling force of the earth is transformed into harmony. The earth on her way to the healing/cure of the heart, the core of the earth. The original core of fire and explosions is transformed into love and integration. Our body is doing the same.

Deep old conflicts between mind and body can be released, so old stuck patterns can be cleared out and healing can take place in the most profound part of the soul and a total integration on earth becomes possible. Where the connection with Lemuria is for the integration of the higher forces into the consciousness and the release of duality, the Divine Heart is for the manifestation of this process on earth. In this way the loose elements that come from this core of fire can integrate with each other, so struggle can be released and the real integration of the paradise on earth can take place, beyond duality, beyond the individual, to the manifestation of becoming one. Creation as a source of love.


The New Times Divine Heart Essence is made from the vibrational frequencies of a vortex; Lithium Candle Quartz and Auralite-23; organic brandy and spring water.

Lithium candle quartz: gives inner peace and makes the connection with the higher self, whereas negativity can be released. Brings harmony in all relations. Quiets the mind, calms the nerves, lets you relax and opens the heart. Open yourself for the divine will and submit control to it.
The Auralite-23 is a “new” stone of more than 1,5 billion years old, in which 23 elements come together. The Auralite-23 works on the integration of different levels, both in the body and as an atonement to the universal blueprint and the angelic world. The stone is connected with the core of the earth and the galactic universe. Hereby you can see and experience the divine spark in everything.


Please refer to our How to Use Essences Page…

  • for directions on how to use essences.
  • how to prepare your dosage essences from stock before using
    Qty available: 3 SKU: BNTDH