$15.97 CAD

Pear  (Pyrus communis hybride)

Inner balance.

It strengthens your inner power and security and gives trust in your inner world. It balances and helps you to release the things you trust too much in the outside world. To connect with the earth when the frequency of the universe rises. In balance between inner and outer and heaven and earth.

10 ml stock essence 

The Bloesem Pear essence is made in a totally new way, without picking the flowers. When the pear blossoms were about to open, a glass bowl with water was put at the branch of the pear tree. The flower buds of the pear touched the water and stayed in the glass bowl during a period of seven days and seven nights. The flowers opened inside the bowl and stayed in it until the flowering of the tree was over the top and the Angel of the pear tree was totally manifested into the tree. We know the pear as food, as juicy fruit, that promotes conduction and circulation. 

The pear blossom essence gives balance and takes care that you stay close to yourself, supported by a strong base. It strengthens your inner power and security, especially because it is also a member of the rose family. The pear has a broad and stable basis, which you can clearly see in the form and therefore it also strengthens the inner security. It gives you trust in your inner world and therefore you can release the things in the outside world, you put too much trust in. The pear also gives you the insight that the way you think about persons and situations, doesn’t always have to be true. It lets you see better, because you trust yourself, how the persons and the whole situation really are. 

You can also take the pear during pregnancy, especially in the beginning, when you get out of balance because of all the changes in your body. The Pear also gives you the connection with the earth when the frequency of the universe rises. So, you keep the balance between below and above, matter and spirit, heaven and earth. It takes care that you stay with yourself, in balance and with faith that you can evolve further from a solid base. 

The Pear feeds you and strengthens the love for yourself, so you can keep your balance in life. It opens you for the new, it opens you and gives you the insight how to manifest yourself. When you have lost your balance Pear helps you to find a new solid centre, from where you can act, beyond insecurity and beyond limitations. It makes that you integrate a new, unknown part of your soul, so the balance is restored on all levels of your consciousness, on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. 

From some therapists we got the following information about the flower essence of the Pear: their clients made up the balance of their life and started searching for a balance in their work and life. They tried to enjoy themselves more and not run for others all the time. They became more vivid in everyday life and they had more pleasure in the simple and ordinary things in life.


The Pear essence is made from the vibrational frequencies of the Pear (Pyrus communis hybride) flower, organic brandy and spring water. 


Please refer to our How to Use Essences Page

  • for directions on how to use essences.
  • how to prepare your dosage essences from stock before using.


Qty available: 5 SKU: BNTP