$21.97 CAD
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30 ml / 1 oz dosage essence

The Living Light Melchizedek Essence brings you the wisdom and the courage you need to live by the Higher ideals of Truth and Justice.  Helps you reach your Higher potential, so that you can deal successfully with life's challenges and changes, and experience Peace.  Also deals with childhood issues, helping to connect with the Light of the Divine Child within.

Having the courage and conviction to uphold those higher ideals of truth, freedom and wisdom for your fellow human beings are qualities that are to be respected and admired. Melchizedek inspires in you the courage and conviction to live with those qualities more in your daily life and uphold those higher virtues and ideals for the greater benefit of humanity.


Melchizedek is one of the four Living Light Special Essences that are not part of the Seven Rays.  

Melchizedek is a somewhat of a mystery figure in Hebrew and Biblical texts. Today there are those who profess to belong to 'The Order of Melchizedek'. 

 "He is described as "priest-king", and his name has been translated as “king of righteousness” and Salem as “peace....Melchizedek is made to foreshadow Christ, stated to be the true king of righteousness and peace (Heb. 7:2). "  ~ https://www.britannica.com/biography/Melchizedek

Who are the 'righteous'?  Those who follow the Light...


  • Righteousness
  • Peace
  • Law
  • Authority
  • Justice
  • Karma
  • Soul growth
  • Respect
  • Divine Son/Daughter
  • Child 
  • Spiritual teacher


  • Unrighteous
  • Unlawful
  • Avoiding growth and learning
  • Disrespectful
  • Difficulty with authority
  • Feeling wronged
  • Injustice
  • Discord
  • Unrest


  • Reminds you of your gifts and abilities
  • Having the courage to lead by example
  • Helps you appreciate and learn from the past
  • Universal law and justice
  • Speaking and upholding the Truth
  • Handling life's challenges
  • Connecting people and ideas
  • Seeing your true potential
  • Dealing with the 'child' aspects of self 


The vibrational frequencies of Ruby + Living Light Royal Ruby Gem Essence and Living Light Melchizedek Essence in a solution of 80% distilled water and 20% grape alcohol/brandy used as a preservative.


7 drops directly under the tongue or in a glass of water 3 times daily for 2 weeks, or as directed by your healthcare professional. May also be applied topically to the skin, or in a bath. For baths add 15 drops. 

Qty available: -1 SKU: LMEL